How to Score Great Deals at Thrift Stores Without Losing Your Mind!

Online influencers seem to breeze into thrift stores and instantly find a mid-century modern brass lamp and a $2 linen blouse.

But when you set out on your own second-hand shopping trip, you’re quickly overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of stained, outdated, and overpriced items.

Are there inexpensive treasures among the trash?

Is the hunt even worth it?

At New Horizons Thrift Stores, we believe in the joys of thrifting. With the right tips and tricks under your belt, you, too, can find items you love at affordable prices and support local charities while you’re at it!

Grab a latte and a shopping bag, and let’s set off on a thrifting adventure together.

What are Thrift Stores, and Why are They so Popular?

Thrift stores, sometimes called second-hand stores or charity shops, sell pre-owned goods donated by people who no longer need them.

Thrift stores are popular for three reasons:

  1. They provide a way to reuse second-hand goods instead of sending them to landfills
  2. The goods they sell are affordable for people on a budget
  3. Most thrift stores donate their earnings to charity
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There are several different types of second-hand stores, which we’ll get into later. 

For now, let’s go over a few reasons so many people love spending an afternoon perusing their local thrift store. 

Top 5 Reasons to Shop at Thrift Stores

If you’re having a bad week, it can feel cathartic to go on a shopping spree, test some expensive perfumes, try on some fashionable dresses, and buy yourself a special treat. 

But in this economy, a shopping hobby quickly becomes unsustainable.

Instead, many people are finding joy in the thrift store shopping spree. Here are some of the top reasons people give for making the switch:

1. Saving Money

Simply put, the top reason people shop at thrift stores is to save money. Thrift stores sell goods at a fraction of the retail price and often offer discounts on top of that at up to 50% off for items that have sat around for a while.

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2. Helping the Environment

The global fashion industry is one of the most environmentally destructive industries on the planet, producing 92 million tons of textile waste every year. That’s as much as 920 aircraft carriers or 252 Empire State Buildings in a single year.

One small way to resist this destructive industry is to buy second-hand clothing, which gives the piece a second life and prevents it from ending up in a landfill.

3. Finding Unique and Vintage Items

If you’re shopping on a budget, you’ll find that if you go into a regular store, most of the new items you can afford are generic and boring. Conversely, thrift stores are full of unique, charming, and affordable second-hand goods. 

4. Supporting Charity

Most thrift stores use their profits to support a charitable organization. For example, our thrift stores support New Horizons Ministries, a charity designed to break the generational cycle of incarceration by supporting mothers who give birth in prison.

By shopping at a thrift store, you can feel good knowing your money is going to help someone who needs support rather than lining the pockets of a wealthy CEO.

5. Reselling Items

Finally, many people like to shop at thrift stores to find inexpensive items they can resell online at a profit.

Reselling is a bit controversial, as it can incentivize thrift stores to raise their prices and make a store feel “picked over.” On the other hand, reselling can be a way for low-income people to make a small profit on the side, and it provides a service for people who want unique second-hand items but don’t have the time, energy, or experience to hunt through thrift stores themselves.

6 Types of Second-Hand Stores

If you love the idea of buying one-of-a-kind items while doing your part to prevent items from going to the landfill, you’ll be happy buying secondhand.

However, there are many ways to buy secondhand. Let’s go through them so you can know what will work best for you. 

#1 - Chain thrift stores

When you think of a thrift store, you probably think of Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers, or another popular chain. 

These stores often have great items at cheap prices, especially if you score a 50% off tag. However, they have some downsides, including:

  • Some items are overpriced, in some cases costing even more than new items
  • It takes some hunting to find the diamond in the rough
  • Some chain thrift stores only donate a small percentage of their profits to charity

#2 - Consignment stores

Consignment stores are more expensive than thrift stores, but they also stock nicer items, so it’s much easier to find things you like. While thrift stores sell donated items, consignment stores will either pay for your goods outright or pay you a percentage of the sale, so you can make a little money on your unwanted items. Consignment stores do not typically support charities. 

#3 - Antique shops

Antique shops are similar to consignment stores in that they sell nicer second-hand items at a higher price. However, while consignment shops sell clothes, antique shops sell household items, such as dishes or furniture, and specialize in older items.

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Some antique shops may be willing to sell your items on consignment, and like consignment stores, they don’t typically support charities.

#4 - Online resale websites

There are many websites where you can find secondhand items, including Etsy, eBay, Thread Up, Poshmark, Depop, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist

If you have items to donate, you will probably make more money selling them online than in a consignment store or antique shop. However, it will also be more work since you’ll need to take pictures, create the listing, and communicate with potential customers. 

For buyers, online resale websites have pros and cons. On one hand, you can find almost any secondhand item you dream of⁠—no more going to thrift stores for months hoping to magically find the perfect thing. But there are so many online options that decision fatigue may set in, and you will usually pay higher prices online than you would even in a consignment store.

#5 - Chain outlet stores

Some chain thrift stores, most notably Goodwill but also some smaller chains like Family Thrift, have outlet stores where they offload stock that didn’t sell in their main stores. These outlet stores sell steeply discounted items. 

Whether you enjoy shopping at thrift store outlets depends entirely on your personality. Some people find it thrilling to sift through seemingly endless options for special treasures, while others find it frustrating and exhausting, especially when the store is full of re-sellers scrambling to be the first to look over new stock as it’s brought out. 

#6 - Local independent thrift stores

The final type of thrift store⁠—and, in our opinion, the best type⁠—is the local independent thrift store.

If you’re looking to score a great deal while supporting charity, nothing beats the local independent thrift store.

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Because they’re small, they usually keep prices decently low, and they often support local charities right in your community. 

If you visit often and strike up a friendship with the staff, they may even keep an eye out for you if you’re looking for a specific item!

How to Score Great Deals at Thrift Stores

Have you ever optimistically walked into your local thrift store only to be disappointed when you couldn’t find anything you liked? 

Where are all the great items other people seem to find?

Unfortunately, the only way to get instant gratification with secondhand items is to buy online and pay a premium. But part of the fun of thrifting is that you never know what you’ll find!

Here are some of our best tips for finding items you love at affordable prices.

Go early and often

It’s not rocket science⁠—the people who find the best thrift store deals are the ones who go frequently. Learn to be content with leaving a shopping trip with nothing. Next time, you may unexpectedly find five things you love!

Generally, if you can make it to the store early, do. That way, you’ll be one of the first people to see the new stock. 

Pick a section and be thorough

If you don’t have time to look through everything, it’s easy to quickly scan each section and move on. But the best things are often hidden away on bottom shelves or behind larger items. 

Instead, go into the store with a goal in mind. Do you want summer tops? Scarves? Vases? Stationary? 

Whatever it is, go to that section and carefully look at every item to find that hidden gem.

Remember: If you’re looking at clothing, always try it on before deciding to buy it, and check the rack of clothes by the dressing rooms, which often has excellent items!

Learn what to look for

It can be challenging to tell an item’s quality at first glance. Learn to recognize what makes an item high-quality.

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With some learning and practice, you’ll be able to spot the difference between real wood and veneer furniture, natural fiber and synthetic clothing, glass and crystal, etc.

Also, it’s never a bad idea to start memorizing high-quality brands! Following re-sellers on social media is a great way to learn this skill.

Look for discounts

Even overpriced thrift stores usually offer deep discounts. Some stores offer discount coupons if you donate items, and most stores have a different-colored tag that’s discounted each week. 

By scanning your eyes over the items until you see the 50% off color, you’ll save yourself a lot of money!

Learn to fix minor defects

Finally, if you can learn some basic skills like stain removal, sewing up a fraying hem, and re-attaching peeling veneer, you can get a good deal on damaged items and spruce them up yourself!

It’s okay to politely ask for a discount if you notice the item is damaged, but don’t haggle too much⁠—you want to maintain a good relationship with thrift store employees for the best possible thrifting experience.

Local to Colorado? Check out New Horizons Thrift Store!

New Horizons Thrift Store is a local independent thrift store that’s committed to supporting the local community in central Colorado. Most of our income goes to New Horizons Ministries, which offers support for incarcerated mothers, but we also donate to other local charities

We have three locations in central Colorado, including:

Our thrift stores are clean and well-organized, with friendly staff and clean, convenient dressing rooms!

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We also have great prices, including daily 50% off sales on the color tag of the week.

Stop in and see us⁠—we look forward to seeing you!

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